Last seen over 14 years ago
Member since Jan 10, 2010
patriciagreat rehasher! fast shipping! love my shirts!! wouldnt pass up another trade!about 15 years ago
I am now accepting cash trades only by mail though!
I am going off to college and cannot do anymore trades. I dont want rehash to interfear with school. The current trades I have now are still going to be traded. Thanks!
I dont have alot of shipping money right now, so please give me some time to ship….I promise I will not swaplift you!
Displaying all 10 comments

umm so I accidentally left you good karma, because I thought you were someone else. What I should have said was send my stuff back! I know that you have it and have been using it which is ridiculous. Send my stuff back immediately, or I will contact the authorities in your home town thanks!
almost 14 years

User Deleted
....alright heres the thing im going to assume something happend that prevented you from sending and im sorry for whatever that is and i hope everything works out of you ...if you are able to get back on your feet just pay it forward and our trade will be completed hope everything is ok with you !
over 14 years

send my stuff back
over 14 years

Hey girly it been three months and I wont leave bad karma or anything I just would like you to send the items as soon as possible. If you do not want to send your items I would not mind at all if you sent mine back because the wait is really extensive. I would really appreciate it.
almost 15 years

User Deleted
3 months in counting ...please respond i know you got my last message
almost 15 years

Natalie S
i second what careese said. stilllll waiting...
almost 15 years

User Deleted
hey i dont mean to be pushy i really dont and i have never had a problem with rehash but its been two months and ive sent a few messages ... have you gotten them ? i am a very easy going person i really am and even if you sent stuff out this week as long as i got it id still be incredibly happy and sing your praises so please get back to me i promise i wont leave nasty postings haah
almost 15 years

I got your package today! I'll be shipping either tomorrow or Wednesday.
about 15 years

Ë™/q/ ÊŽpuÉs
USPS 420170339405503699300148996578
about 15 years

I'm new to Rehash, so still not too familiar with how everything works here; it looks like you canceled my trade offer? I thought you had my item in your watch list
about 15 years
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