Trade your clothes, dear reader
Orpheux Design began its planning and development of Rehash Clothes in the early summer of 2007. The original idea was to design clothing out of recycled clothes, however it began to evolve more and more into a place to facilitate the trading of clothes. We decided the best approach would be to not only allow you to trade your clothes, but to provide a social platform for users to better connect with other traders. In 2016, Rehash was relaunch with a fresh new design, slimmed down features, and a brand new trading system.
The idea for Rehashing isn't a brand new thing. People have been trading clothes in private swap parties for some time now. It was only natural for it to start taking place over the Internet.

In addition to trading clothes, Rehash allows you to get fashion and green living advice, post in forums, make friends, join groups, request items, and attent live swap events. There are plenty of other features we'll be adding as time goes.
Fashion meets the environment
Current research indicates that each American throws away an average of 67.9 lbs of clothing and textiles per year. In total, that's over 20,370,000,000! Billion; with a "B". The vast majority of that, roughly 95%, can be recycled. The best way to recycle that clothing, a way that uses very little resources and manpower, is by having someone else wear it rather than shipping it off to the nearest landfill. By Rehashing, you become a part of a worldwide movement to lower your consumption and create a greener Earth for everyone.