Last seen over 7 years ago
Member since Sep 7, 2013
Amber FAmanda is the best trader out there even when I'm having issues! Thank you so much for everything <3almost 11 years ago
I have a HUGE addiction to Rehashing!
I am only trading with those who are inside the US, and I prefer to swap multiple items at a time (2 or more) to make the shipping payment worth it.
For easier viewing, please see “mandy” in the tag cloud.
%{color:orange}I Will Trade For ~Large Purses ~Wallets ~Perfume Lots ~Makeup Lots ~Nail Polish Lots ~VS Dogs ~Jewelry ~Clothing ~Dog Toys ~Shelving ~Storage Containers ~Crafting Materials ~Scrapbooking Stuff ~Household items ~Classroom Supplies ~Office Supplies ~Kitchen items ~Holiday Decorations ~Workout Equipment ~Anything HIPPO Related (I Collect) ~Certain GameBoy Color Games ~Bearded Dragon Cage Accessories ~ANYTHING CUTE!%
%{color:orange}ULTIMATE WISHLIST! ~UGG Boots Size 8-9 ~Urban Decay NAKED 2 & 3 Palettes ~Yummy Smelling Candles ~Victoria’s Secret & Victoria’s Secret PINK ~Juicy Charm Bracelet and Charms ~Giftcards (Victoria’s Secret, Amazon, Etc) ~Perfume and Body Sprays ~Authentic Large Coach Bag with Wallet ~Every Color Pokemon GameBoy Game ~Black, Grey, Brown Leggings ~Leg Warmers / Boot Cuffs ~Dressy Tops / Cardigans / Blazers ~Black and Brown Knee High Boots ~Large Black Caboodle ~Button / Zipper Collection ~Hippo Themed Care Package ~Workout / Yoga DVDs and Equipment%
%{color:orange}Things I do NOT want ~Flip Flops / Sandals ~Things Not In My Size ~Hair Products (Headbands and Ties are Ok) ~Sunglasses ~Anything with Stains or Rips ~Graphic Tees (Words, Pictures, etc) ~Short Skirts or Short Shorts ~Books ~Skinny Jeans%
I am also willing to swap themed care packages with anyone who may be interested. We both pick a theme and a set price, everything in the package must somehow relate to that theme and not go over budget. Once packages are complete, we swap (:
I do have a dog and do smoke, so consider this a warning. (I am allergic to cats, so if you have cats please let me know before we continue the swap.)
All items will be washed or laundered before shipment. Everything that I have is in excellent condition unless stated otherwise. I will only accept quality items, if something is received in less than satisfactory condition I will let you know! If you have an issue with an item please contact me first before leaving bad karma and I will do my best to make sure both of us are pleased.
Do NOT swaplift me, I WILL press charges! I expect to be treated the way that I treat others, so respect and communication is a MUST! If you do not respond to me within 3 days I will assume you aren’t interested, and cancel. If you decline an offer, please take a little time to let me know why. (If I decline an offer, I will do the same.)
Almost every swap includes a FREEBIE!
%{color:grey}Sent To: Jojo [9/20/13] Tiffany [9/27/13] Camille [10/7/13] Faith x2 [10/18/13] Gina [11/25/13] Heather [12/30/13] Amber x6 [1/10/14] x2 & [1/16/14] x2 & [2/3/14] & [3/17/14] Bailey [1/21/14] Seonik [1/31/14] Paris [2/10/14] Paige [2/4/14] Miranda [2/13/14] Emily [2/10/14] Jessica [2/13/14] Shari [3/17/14] Brianna [4/18/14] Allicia x2 [4/18/14] Niki [4/18/14] Tasha [5/2/14] Sonia [5/2/14] Tracy [5/2/14] TOTAL: 28 Sent Packages NEED TO SEND: 0 Packages%
%{color:grey}Received From: Jojo [9/23/13] Tiffany [10/3/13] Camille [10/8/13] Faith x2 [10/25/13] Gina [12/4/13] Heather [12/30/13] Amber x6 [1/8/14] & [1/13/14] & [1/18/14] & [1/21/14] & [2/13/14] & [5/2/14] Bailey [1/18/14] Seonik [2/6/14] Paris [2/18/14] Paige [2/10/14] & [5/?/14] SWAPLIFTED Miranda [2/14/14] Emily [3/20/14] Jessica [2/21/14] Shari [3/20/14] Brianna [3/24/14] Allicia x2 [3/29/14] & [5/?/14] SWAPLIFTED Niki [4/25/14] Tasha [5/12/14] Sonia [5/2/14] Tracy [5/21/14] TOTAL: 27 Received Packages WAITING ON: 2 Packages%
%{color:grey}Successful Secret Swaps Completed: Christmas (1) Valentines (1) St.Patrick’s Day (1)%
%{color:grey}Waiting On Karma From: Tracy%
Need To Give Karma To:
%{color:grey}Swaplifted By: Allicia Paige%
For a list of users I will no longer trade with due to numerous issues, please just send me a message.