Last seen over 14 years ago
Member since Jan 25, 2010
I really love this site and will be adding more items at the weekend, i am mad about bags and perfume really want a gucci and chanel bag xx
have decieded to finish on this site fed up of being swaplifted still waiting on parcels from below WHO ARE SWAPLIFTERS kayla bobayla SWAPLIFTER mckinseyanne SWAPLIFTER
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Hey hun I see you have delt with you should flag her #1 then write to rehash to get her information and a request to have her banned or blocked and then contact her local police for postal robbery!!!
almost 15 years

Kim if you were not going to complete the swap you could have let me know a long time ago. Canceling without an explanation is really rude. Thanks for nothing.
almost 15 years
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