Displaying all 4 posts
motojen over 10 years ago Edited over 10 years ago | |
I get that things change over time and that some people like to actually get cash for their stuff. But really? I thought the mission of Rehash was to barter and swap our stuff with other like-minded people…. to make new friends… to have fun! I did surf around the site to check things out and you guys did a nice job and the people listing there make the effort to make it a nicer place than eBay. But, I’m just a little sad because I think Sellies is pulling all the good items away from Rehash. I miss the days when Rehashers would find creative ways to put together a big box of stuff to exchange for one really fabulous pair of Jimmy Choo’s (still in my closet!). Are those days over??? Lomita (near Los Angeles), CA |
Kristin over 10 years ago | |
I hope those days aren’t over! I think Sellies came about when people wanted another outlet to send things to people. For a while there, a lot of people only wanted to sell. I think most of them have moved on now. Jefferson, Georgia |
⤠chanelrox ⤠over 10 years ago | |
I hope those days aren’t over as well! I remember some great items I got from Rehash for several items of mine! Sellies was big at first, and I know some ladies still use it, but I don’t even log onto the website anymore. I think trading is still a main focus for most who come here. Blanco, TX |
beka about 10 years ago | |
i also remember when people were just excited to swap stuff and would say that they would search through their own stuff just to find the right thing to get that person to swap with them. i never really caught on to sellies because i always am more interested in trading (not to mention i don’t have time to double post things) but it seems like even the sites where swapping and buying are options that more people just want the money and aren’t interested in swapping. id love to know if you guys know of more swapping sites? ones where you don’t have to put in your bank information to join! where it is hot and cold in the same season!, |