Displaying all 7 posts
Orlando over 12 years ago | |
This is the official thread for suggestions. I’ll be checking this periodically and letting you know what I think of your idea, whether it’s possible or not, and any other details. Don’t be shy. BISCAYNE PARK, FL |
kimmykou over 12 years ago | |
I noticed that not all the listings have a “View This User’s Shop” and I assume that’s because they only have one listing. However, I think a link to the user’s profile or feedback would be very useful. Especially when deciding to purchase something. Also I would love a Crafts category :-D |
kimmykou over 12 years ago | |
Would it be possible to have a store front URL such as www.sellies.com/UserName to make it easier to print on business cards? |
Orlando over 12 years ago | |
Good suggestions on the first one, I’ll get them in there ASAP. As for the second, there are some technical limitations keeping me from seriously considering it. Categories are already the first-level URL parameter (for search engine purposes), so making a user’s store the same would cause problems. BISCAYNE PARK, FL |
kimmykou over 12 years ago | |
One more suggestion :-) combined shipping. For example if someone purchases multiple items the first item would be $1 shipping and each additional item would be 50 cents. Kinda like on etsy. |
Orlando over 12 years ago | |
Hmm, I don’t know how easily I can make that happen. On Etsy, you have a shopping cart. On Sellies, it’s designed for quick sells and quick buys, so it’s not really a shopping cart-oriented environment. Therefore, I can’t think of a good method off the top of my head where multiple purchases by the same person from the same seller can be chained. I’ll brainstorm on it some. BISCAYNE PARK, FL |
kimmykou over 12 years ago | |
Is it possible to add a pinterest button? :-) |