Displaying all 3 posts
motojen over 16 years ago Edited over 16 years ago | |
As part of our quest to make Rehash a safe place to trade, I would like to request that a “Cancel Trade” process be established. I know that adding a button would defeat the purpose of our “Point of No Return” trade confirmations. But once a user has been flagged and reaches a karma rating below a certain point, it would be nice to have the option of cancelling the “Completed Trade” so the burned Rehasher can relist their items without worry. For example, I have one Completed Trade with Lady Rogue and I sent her part of the trade in good faith (the French texts), but she has been non-compliant and non-responsive. So I have emailed her notice that I am cancelling our agreement. I would like to not have these emails in my Trades files anymore… just a thought since I’m on the legal train right now. Lomita (near Los Angeles), CA |
Rebecca L over 16 years ago | |
Agreed. I had some of those, but they magically disappeared. =/ Interlachen, Florida |
User Deleted over 16 years ago | |
That would be a great process, Jenny. Good idea! |