Displaying all 4 posts
Love1Meg1 over 16 years ago | |
Just so you know I totally love this site! The one thing I don’t like is that when someone makes an offer and then it get rejected the item shows back up to the original date it was added. I think it would be great if someway (I know I am probably asking for alot) after being rejected it could show up just like a new rehash, so that people can see that its available again and don’t have to go searching through everything to see the rehashes that are back on the market. I just thought I might suggest it. Thanks! Megan EVANS, WV |
Orlando over 16 years ago | |
We’ve considered that, but it’s tricky. There are a surprising amount of offers made per day, and a lot of them end up rejected. It wouldn’t be right to place them on top above legitimately new Rehashes and lowering their visibility. BISCAYNE PARK, FL |
Love1Meg1 over 16 years ago | |
Awesome! Thanks! EVANS, WV |
Orlando over 16 years ago | |
OK, we added this. It’ll start taking effect with declined offers from this point on. We’re planning to add sorted by distance from you as well. That just, you know, takes a little more math. BISCAYNE PARK, FL |