Displaying all 8 posts
wishlisted almost 8 years ago | |
Hello! I’m sure the Rehash team already knows, but I just wanted to note that I’m having issues sending messages (I’m given a “body must not be blank” sort of error) and when I hit ‘accept trade’, the page just does a weird kind of half-refresh without actually changing anything. LONG ISLAND CITY, NY |
Kristin almost 8 years ago | |
I’m having the same issues, too. Jefferson, Georgia |
Rozzy77 almost 8 years ago | |
I’m having the same issues and I can’t post messages in my comment page in my profile :( Pickering, Ontario |
Lovemyboys almost 8 years ago | |
Having lots of issues with the site. Not sure what is going on. Need to cancel a trade but can’t. Can’t even view all the rehashes. Is anyone else having issues? Fort Collins, Colorado |
Orlando almost 8 years ago | |
I updated some software on the server a few days ago and suspect the issues you’re all having are related to that. I’m looking into it now. BISCAYNE PARK, FL |
Emerencia almost 8 years ago | |
I can´t delete some trade requests. The “end this negotiation” button is not working. Teresina, Piaui |
Rozzy77 over 7 years ago | |
Hi Orlando – I’m getting a “internal server error” message and I can’t delete an item. Some times it deletes and recently it doesn’t. And I get a 500 error too. Rozzy Pickering, Ontario |
Laine over 7 years ago | |
I was surprised when I entered text into the only text fields available to create my ad, because there’s no way to edit line spacing or any other formatting features like in most online ad posting features. I am actually typing text into the sort of format-customizable field that’s normally provided for posting ads online. Why do the actual rehash as posting fields just jumble all the text together in a big, unreadable wall-blob of information? I spent a lot of time trying to make my post readable but even WYSIWYG keyboard returning doesn’t add any needed line spacing. How can our ads be formattable? NYC, New York |