Displaying all 18 posts
⤠chanelrox ⤠over 15 years ago | |
I walked into mine this morning to find something to wear, and was overwelmed by how much stuff I actually have. I need to organize. I realized that I wait to clean my closet out until I have so much, it barely fits. I was wondering how often y’all cleaned out your closets? and if you’ve found something in there that ypu didnt even remember buying? (LOL) I found a skirt that I havnt seen in over a year! Blanco, TX |
margienjoe about 15 years ago | |
Every three months, to avoid stock-piling and to evaluate what I may need when I go shopping. I also take items out to include in my swaps (my loss, your gain). This is also a good time to decide if you’re really going to use something (ie. repairs, hems, stains, etc.) or if you can donate it to an organization. (I put the perfect or near perfect items in my swaps.) I also have to do this, since I switch out my clothes in my closet, from winter to summer, and vice versa. My closet isn’t big enough to have both seasons out at the same time. So I always have to store whatever I am not using, on the top (storage part) of my closet. Yes, it’s easy to forget what you have unless you have a routine. Las Vegas, NV |
Jessica F about 15 years ago | |
I TRY to do it every season, but reamml I end up doing it only twice a year. It’s actually kinda fun to go through and say “Oh my gosh! I forgot about this!” Or to find a $10 stashed in a jacket or something :-) I’m just about to clean mine out for the weather change. Lots of stuff to add to rehash! Germantown, MD |
BellaUnica almost 15 years ago Edited almost 15 years ago | |
4 times a year! Midwest, USA |
⤠chanelrox ⤠almost 15 years ago | |
I recently purged mine of almost everything! So, now, I actually have an excuse to shop…not that I’ve ever needed one before XD Blanco, TX |
Zara almost 15 years ago | |
I recently purged mine of almost everything! So, now, I actually have an excuse to shop…not that I’ve ever needed one before XD i did this two in jan of this year. and is be a blast replacing thing. before i didnt know w thing about fashion so i did some research while i kept wearing the few thins i keptand then i was ready to shop for things that i wanted and needed! its been a total blast weds are shopping days. i have a huge closest and i have really be filling it perfectly. Ottawa, Ontario K1V 9A3 |
mysmugcat over 14 years ago | |
More this year, about 5 times- more than in previous years.On my medication I lost weight so a good time to ditch some of those numerous T shirts etc.Sometimes I hang onto things for too long. Staines, Middlesex, TW18 1DS |
⤠chanelrox ⤠over 14 years ago | |
Sometimes I get rid of so much it just seems like a I have nothing lol. I have one pair of jeans I’ve been wearing for 2.5 yrs straight andf there are holes everywhere! So my BF finally convinced me to get some new jeans…theyre AE…and guess what. They already have a hole :P (and they wernt bought that way either, I’m a klutz) Blanco, TX |
ashberta over 14 years ago | |
Never. I’m a mild hoarder, so I have a hard time giving things up or throwing things out. My clothes can barely fit in my closet. |
JayNicole over 14 years ago | |
I like clean out my closet at least like every season and like I just did it recently and I have like 4 shopping bags full of clothes that I don’t want!lol and half those clothes I don’t remember like getting and haven’t like worn them ever because they still have price tags on them!lol Lancaster, PA |
jazziesmama over 14 years ago | |
like every couple months!! I’m such a fashionista an love clothes, especially no with rehashing, I’m changing up my wardrobe endlessly! Manzanola, CO |
⤠chanelrox ⤠over 14 years ago | |
I just went through my closet and dressers, washed, folded ALL my clothing today, I’m deciding what to take when I move tomorrow/thurs. I hate taking stuff with me, so I’m going to store my wardrobe here and buy a new one at my new house haha, the more clothing, the better :) Blanco, TX |
Jayleen McKay over 14 years ago | |
im going through mine right now as im 3 months pregnant and alot of my clothes dont fit and im going to try rehashing them and whats left after a month is geting either sold at platos closet or given to the street kids at street ties salmon arm, BC |
starflower05 over 11 years ago | |
I try to go through my closet every few months but I have a bunch of bags full of clothes & accessories in storage. So look out for some good things showing up. |
Kristin over 11 years ago | |
I purge at the beginning and end of each season. I keep a bag of stuff to donate in my closet so that as I find things, I can go ahead and put it in the bag. When it’s full, it’s time to go out. Jefferson, Georgia |
Rozzy77 almost 11 years ago | |
If I find something that doesn’t interested me or fit me anymore;kept longer than 2 years, I decide to purge. Excellent to good item come here now, and stained items or meh item I donate or throw out. ;-) Pickering, Ontario |
User Deleted over 10 years ago | |
I do it once a week depending on my mood. LOL :p |
katherinetoronto almost 8 years ago | |
I usually clean my closet twice a year in the spring and again in the fall. I box the spring and summer clothes up in the fall and store them in my basement. Then do the opposite in the Spring. It also helps me know what I can donate or throw away at those times in order to avoid having a closet full of clothes I don’t wear. Toronto, ON |