People ask me all the time, “hey Orlando, when are you going to implement a binomial proportion confidence interval calculation to sort Rehashes by popularity?” And my response is always, “when I get to it, voice in my head.”
I finally got around to it, albeit not as robust as I’d like it to be. But for the approximately zero of you who are interested in how the ranking works, it takes into account how many (unique) users have viewed it, the number of users watching it, and when it was posted. It applies weights to all those characteristics, does a little magic, and voila, it comes up with a score. That’s why you’ll see some Rehashes with fewer watchers ranking above those with a higher number of watchers. The older a Rehash is, the lower its score will be. This encourages fresh items to pop up above something that has had weeks to cultivate viewers and watchers.
I’d like to do something similar with users based on their activity level, and whenever possible (I’ll gladly take ideas), reward them in some way. A weekly/monthly “most active member” could perhaps win something, though I’m not sure what could be provided of value. Rehash has about as much money as Detroit. It turns out that running a free clothes swapping website with no ads generates as much cash as a sauna in the Sahara. But I love this website, and all of its users, so I’ll do what I can.
However, I think that even before getting to that my main focus should be on providing users with suggestions of Rehashes they may like. And not crappy suggestions like, “look! These items have the same tag!” but good suggestions like, “look! These items are your size, a color you seem to like, a style you generally go for, and it’s Rehashed by someone who matches you pretty well.” I think that’s an invaluable feature that’ll keep you all coming back.
In order to do that, you’ll need to help me help you. Go to your user settings (click the dropdown on the top right of any page, then Settings) and fill out as much information as you feel comfortable with, including information about your sizes. None of this data gets sold to third parties, and it’s clearly stated who gets to see what.
Thanks for reading, and as always, go %^$# yourselves, San Diego.
Wait, I meant Happy Rehashing. Damn teleprompter.
About the Author

Is it possible to import from Trend Trunk? I have 2000 items there that I would be interested in rehashing.
Trend Trunk is a Canadian clothing website where users can sell their new or pre-loved clothing.
I also have 1000 items on Bonanza.
Can I import those?
I’m a little late on the response here, but importing from external sources is something I’ve recently been looking into. There are a few considerations to take into account, such as how to keep things synchronized so when you sell something on Trend Trunk it disappears from Rehash (the reverse isn’t feasible to automate, I’m afraid), or the disconnect between a selling platform and a trading platform. Since every site is different, there’s a significant amount of development necessary to add this feature for each site available for importing, and some research is necessary to target the right ones to allow that.
With that said, I’m actively working on seeing if I can make this a reality.
Orlando, I used to trade a lot on here before the new format. I’ve waited and waited and waited! Every time I try to use the site again I get so frustrated. I have not made one trade happen. It’s a huge bummer!
So I’m curious to know what the stats are…. how many successful rehash trades have been made since the new system? What’s the data look like vs the old system? It HAS to be less than before.
Just bummed. I use craigslist and eBay more now but miss the old rehash (even though it wasn’t perfect). The world deserves a better trading website.
I’m sure it’s not easy…
Hi Juli, first off, we’re glad to have you back. Sorry you haven’t had made any successful trades yet, and you’re right, there is definitely less activity on Rehash these days. Rehash started in 2007, and its peak usage was around 2010. From 2013 to around 2015, traffic was on a slow, steady decline, a lot of it coming from the site issues. Mid-2015, the site was basically dead due to the constant crashes and the fact that I didn’t pay much attention to it at the time. I had started a rebuild some time around 2012 but never got around to completing it. Then in 2016 after really seeing the state of things, I set aside time to rewrite Rehash from the ground up.
This brings us to now. The site works great, but the users understandably left for greener pastures. Traffic is substantially lower, however there are still trades being made! Since the relaunch, there have been over 210 successful trades. That’s a far cry from the 20,000+ trades completed in the time before that, but it’s something.
I would love to build up (and exceed) the numbers we had before, but the web is a tough game.
Any way to search on what rehashes are closest to me? Just wondering.
At the moment, no. There hasn’t been much demand for that feature.